Teach Public Interest Communication


Classroom assignments that would contribute to a public interest communications curriculum.

Final project in Communicating Environmental Issues (Georgia State University)

The Final Project Teams assignment is for the Communicating Environmental Issues undergraduate class to design and implement and assess some kind of public outreach/ strategic comm eco project on campus or locally, on an eco topic of their choice. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nONyks-Aha02rQtPEBt5bRz6S2I_DXws/edit

Eco journalism assignment (Georgia State University)

The Eco Journalism assignment is for the Communicating Environmental Issues undergrad class to assess the agenda setting on environmental issues as well as assess the fairness of the representation of nonhuman animal issues in the news, according to the guidelines at animalsandmedia.org. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vdwBGmpULTGWL1bVmxPgWMmDc0_myUrM/edit

Environmental Footprint Assessment assignment (Georgia State University)

The Environmental Footprint Assessment assignment is for the Communicating Environmental Issues undergrad class and it has students keep a record of their resource use for a week and also complete a footprint calculator and assess the value of the calculator and what it gets rights vs what is missing or needs improvement. https://docs.google.com/document/d/143SYseI1cV5Ms8BJkP7mc7jlMvFIDS5O/edit

Moral Vision Statements for a Green Future (Georgia State University)

Moral Vision Statements for a Green Future assignment is the final writing assignment for the Communicating Environmental Issues undergrad class. It has them envisioning and describing their ideal society of the future so they know what they are working toward and can start building it now. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RxGUw-N7Ea5J0XbF409yFE5j8VMEOy5Q/edit?rtpof=true

Minimizing Harm in the Digital Age (Georgia State University)

Minimizing Harm in the Digital Age (Humane Tech Design & Policy). This is an online exercise for a media ethics class that asks students to look at either the Electronic Frontier Foundation website or the Center for Humane Technology website and then evaluate the ethicality of the tools and policy recommendations made by these NGOs. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_iQfLWeVSGilYm0rLfHlMvvalgWtY8xD/edit

Consuming Kids: Protecting children from Advertising and Media Messages (Georgia State University)

Consuming Kids: Protecting children from Advertising and Media Messages assignment is for the Media Ethics undergraduate class. It asks several assessment questions based on watching the documentary Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood about how to resolve these issues (voluntarily or via legal/policy changes). They could also assess the anti-commercialism website FairPlayforKids.org. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h1J2pu57cdZuCVi8-OhCwcR9gTM_TIPT/edit

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