Teach Public Interest Communication

Additional Resources

Please feel free to add to or borrow from this list of additional resources you feel would help educators in the field of public interest communications.


Journal of Public Interest Communications https://journals.flvc.org/jpic

Frank community and gathering for public interest communicators https://frankgathering.org

Just Truth: guide on mis/disinformation management https://spitfirestrategies.com/tools/combating-disinformation

Communications Toolkit: A guide to navigating communications for social impact https://causecommunications.org/toolkit/

The Broke Project: How to build a new narrative around poverty to advance economic justice https://www.brokeproject.org

Tips for communicating about your research with non-scientists. https://www.nia.nih.gov/research/blog/2022/11/tips-communicating-about-your-research-non-scientists

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